Difference between .all and –all in GitHub

Difference between .all and –all in GitHub

Hi, this is Charu from Classmethod.

In git, git add stands out as a fundamental operation, allowing you to stage changes for committing. In this hands-on guide, we'll delve into two variations: git add . and git add --all.

Let's get started!

Before we go any further, let's clear our concepts about staging in git.

In Git, the staging area is an intermediate step between your working directory and the repository. It acts as a holding area where you can prepare changes before committing them to the repository.

The git add command is used to move changes from the working directory to the staging area. It marks modifications as ready to be included in the next commit. You are free to select the files or file your would like to commit with the help of git add command.

git add .

  • The above command is the most used add command.
  • It adds all new files, modified files, and deleted files in the current directory and its subdirectories to the staging area.
  • Ignores files listed in .gitignore, preserving the integrity of your repository.
  • Scenarios for git add .:

  • Adding New Files: When you've created new files or directories and want to include them in the next commit.
  • Staging Modifications: After making changes to existing files, you can use git add . to stage these modifications for commit.
  • Handling Deletions: If you've deleted files and wish to reflect these deletions in the repository, git add . will stage these deletions appropriately.
  • git add --all

  • The git add --all command is more comprehensive than git add ..
  • It adds all changes, including new files, modifications, deletions, and untracked files, to the staging area.
  • Scenarios for git add --all:

  • Complete Staging: When you want to stage all changes across the entire repository, regardless of their location.
  • Including Untracked Files: If you've created new files that haven't been previously tracked by Git, git add --all ensures they're staged for commit.
  • Handling Deletions and Modifications: Like git add ., git add --all stages deletions, modifications, and new files, but on a repository-wide scale.
  • Conclusion:

    Remember, while git add . stages changes in the current directory and its subdirectories, git add --all stages changes across the entire repository. Choose the command that aligns with your staging requirements and project structure.

    Thank you for reading!

    Happy Learning:)

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